This is a classy dish and easy to make! It includes boneless chicken breast, lemon juice, black pepper and some salt. To top it with some style, I throw...
Made completely from scratch! Boneless chicken breasts are seasoned with rosemary and sauteed in broth, then added to savory ingredients for a homemade...
A delicious one-pan dinner that tastes like you cooked all day but only takes a small amount of hands-on time. Great flavor and easy clean-up! We make...
Sour Cream Wine Chicken that won me a grand prize win and first place in the main dish category! It is easy and delicious. I named it after an old friend,...
A delicious one-pan dinner that tastes like you cooked all day but only takes a small amount of hands-on time. Great flavor and easy clean-up! We make...
Low-calorie, low-carb dinners can be absolutely delicious if done right! This one is full of color, flavor, and texture. I make this one often and it is...
An unusual blend of seasonings flavor this slow cooker meal that takes advantage of the abundance of asparagus available in the spring. In other seasons...
Everybody loves this simple and delicious chicken. If you don't have white Zinfandel available, you can use another wine, whiskey, bourbon, or even balsamic...
This prosciutto-wrapped stuffed chicken recipe is so good and surprisingly easy. The chicken comes out of the oven crispy yet stays moist with an indulgent...
Here's a new twist on a tasty easy dish with a quick prep time. It's perfect for after work or when you want a home cooked meal but don't have the time...
Start this dinner in your slow cooker before you leave for work in the morning and come home to a delicious chicken and rice meal in a taco-seasoned tomato...
Try this recipe for chicken that is marinated and grilled, dipped in butter and tastes amazingly like lobster. My Dad actually got this recipe from a friend...
I have had to adapt all my cooking to avoid anything that can induce heartburn. There are so many things I can't eat, I was about to despair of ever figuring...
Try this recipe for chicken that is marinated and grilled, dipped in butter and tastes amazingly like lobster. My Dad actually got this recipe from a friend...
My mom tried something similar to this in a restaurant and thoroughly raved about it, so I tried to re-create it for Mother's Day. She loved this version...
This recipe yields delicious and juicy pieces of chicken which are bready on bottom and crusty on top - cheesy with a nice hint of flavor added by the...
Chicken breasts baked with a creamy curry, mayonnaise and Parmesan cheese sauce. Easy, fast and tasty. This is great served with rice, as you can pour...
This is the BEST! I was raised on this, and it is the best chicken Kiev you'll ever have. After you make it a few times it's a snap. I do this by memory....
This is the BEST! I was raised on this, and it is the best chicken Kiev you'll ever have. After you make it a few times it's a snap. I do this by memory....
This is the BEST! I was raised on this, and it is the best chicken Kiev you'll ever have. After you make it a few times it's a snap. I do this by memory....
This is a yummy recipe that any cheese or casserole lover will adore! It's super easy to make, as most casseroles are. It's also a fun recipe to play around...
This is a yummy recipe that any cheese or casserole lover will adore! It's super easy to make, as most casseroles are. It's also a fun recipe to play around...
Twenty pounds of chicken breast and plenty of celery, toasted almonds, lemon juice, cheddar cheese and potato chips - of course - make this a hearty size...